
Healthy eating for a change

The Wholesome Table
It has been awhile since we ate at The Wholesome Table.  We were invited during its soft opening at Estancia Mall in Pasig City.  This was like ages ago.  Hehehe!I just decided to write a review about it now, since I started food blogging.

One thing that I first noticed about this restaurant is the feel of it.  It was so homey, very chic-country.  It's as if the moment you enter the establishment, everything seemed "healthy."

I have no idea what the restaurant was all about.  All they said was that it caters to healthy eating.

We ordered most of its best-sellers.  We're 4 in the table and we ordered food that could feed atleast 8 persons.

We had crispy calamari, carrot-pumpkin soup, greek-salad, Buddha bowl, Gambaretti arrabiatta, Pork chops, Chicken parmegiana, and for dessert, Tiramisu and creme brulee.
Crispy Calamari
I'm a sucker for crispy calamari.  I don't like it when they're saggy or overly coated with flour.  The one they served us at The Wholesome Table were actually piping hot.  I remember vividly because as soon as we're done squeezing some lemon on those tiny little suckers, I almost burned my tongue as a try munching on them.

But because my tongue has high tolerance of stuff like that, that little burnt did not hamper me from enjoying the rest of the calamari.
Carrot-pumpkin soup
When they served this at our table, I had it returned to the kitchen.  It was not hot at all.  If they specified it in the menu that it will be served room-temp, i would've understood, but since it was not, I had to send it back.  The redeeming factor of the soup, was its creaminess.  It looked heavy, but really, it's not.  It was properly seasoned and the carrot and pumpkin mixed perfectly.
Buddha bowl
This is definitely worth going back to The Wholesome Table.  The thai coconut curry sauce was a welcome approach, as it complement the brown rice underneath of the goodness on top of it.  The pea sprouts, peanut brittle (yep, they're crunchy sweet) balances the sweet, savory of the dish. Make sure to squeeze the lime before you mix everything. It makes a load of difference.
Pork chops
My friend was quiet when her dish was served. We thought she was just admiring the glaze of the balsamic vinegar over her chops, turned out the inside of the chops were not properly cooked.  It was still bleeding. (a NO-NO for pork and chicken dishes)  So again, we had to send it back.  Good thing the servers were nice and accommodating.  I guess because it was their soft opening, most things were still "forgivable."
Greek salad
Who doesn't love Feta Cheese?! With fresh greens, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, cucumbers, and grilled chicken is a meal in itself.
Gambearetti Arrabiatta 
I honestly don't remember the taste of this.  All i know was that it wasn't swimming in sauce, which I prefer since it's tomato based.  The pasta was also aldente, as per my friend's description when I asked how her food was.  It looked appetizing and the bacon, oh well, there's bacon involved...it must be good.

OMG!This was something we didn't expect to taste good but hands down, one of our favorites from the food in our table.  I'm not sure if i can actually give justice to the fries with just mere words; but they're really good.  They were served hot too. (plus points)

The Chicken was perfectly cooked.  And the sauce, there was no rice on our table so I couldn't scoop it up and enjoy it to the fullest.

Don't be fooled or get yucky when they serve this dish to you.  Looks definitely can be deceiving and this one, with the shavings of chocolate and the hint of coffee on the lady fingers---Am I even in a healthy restaurant? Coz I wouldn't mind eating 2 or 3 servings of their Tiramisu.
Creme Brulee
They could do better with this dish.  I had expectations for this dish coz I really thought that since it's healthy eating, they could have done something else...or put a twist to it.  I haven't been back to The Wholesome Table, so maybe the already tweaked some of their dishes, and hopefully they did something with this one.

I wasn't sure why I dont have a picture of my drink...but i remember ordering Be Pure... hehehe!I know it doesn't fit me, but it was refreshing.  I actually liked it. I'm a little bit wary of detox juices coz my friends have serious issues with them, hehehe... but with the drink i ordered, it didn't taste like i was drinking fruits and vegetables.

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