
Weekend shenanigans

Uma Uma
Last Saturday, I was so bored on my day off that I called a friend and asked if she wants to try this new Ramen place in S' Maison.  The S'Maison at the Conrad Hotel is becoming our favorite place to dine and hang out because it's new and not as crowded as Mall of Asia.

We hear alot of good things about Uma Uma so we decided, why not try it out.  

The interior looks modern-japanese.  It's spacious and pictures of ramen, and what the house is all about adorn the walls.  Uma Uma Ramen, originating in Fukuoka, Japan is based on the premise of not needing MSG to flavor their ramen.  

Uma in Japanese means "tasty", so they pride themselves that there is already "umami" in their ramen that it would be enough to satisfy your taste buds.

Relatively priced, we both ordered the Uma-uma ramen.  Dubbed as their best-seller, it has Chasiu, black fungus, egg, spring onions and spicy miso.
Uma uma ramen
Honestly, I wasnt' too impressed with it.  The broth was not too heavy, that I give extra points, but nothing really sticks out from it.  I felt like eating the same noodle soup that my mom cooks, except that my mom doesn't boil her broth for hours and use special ingredients to make it that "authentic-ramen taste."
One-bite Gyoza
These tiny creatures I liked!!! with that garlicky-spicy condiment they put on the side, mixed with the gyoza sauce, argghhh...YUUUMMMYYY!!!

They have Tamago and Dashi Tamago.  When we asked the server what was the difference between the two, she was mumbling something to the like of there's like fish and stuff...actually, Dashi Tamago uses dashi (fish broth) while Tamago is just plain eggs.  The technique in cooking this is mastery in itself.   Going back to the Tamago, a ramen place should know how to cook well its Tamago or else they should just close down.  Good thing Uma Uma has good Tamago. Hehehe! You should try it with the japanese mayonnaise and pickled ginger.

We washed it down with bottomless cold green tea.  I don't like carbonated drinks when eating my ramen...so if there is tea or barley water, i prefer those.  It cleanses your palette and lets you enjoy your food without having that sweet taste from the soda or juice you're drinking.

Will I be coming back for more?  I'm not really sure.  Let me put it this way, Uma Uma is number 3 on my list...My first two ramen places are also found around the area, so it will really take me awhile before going back there... Then again, who knows... what if i crave for some bite-size gyozas?!


Healthy eating for a change

The Wholesome Table
It has been awhile since we ate at The Wholesome Table.  We were invited during its soft opening at Estancia Mall in Pasig City.  This was like ages ago.  Hehehe!I just decided to write a review about it now, since I started food blogging.

One thing that I first noticed about this restaurant is the feel of it.  It was so homey, very chic-country.  It's as if the moment you enter the establishment, everything seemed "healthy."

I have no idea what the restaurant was all about.  All they said was that it caters to healthy eating.

We ordered most of its best-sellers.  We're 4 in the table and we ordered food that could feed atleast 8 persons.

We had crispy calamari, carrot-pumpkin soup, greek-salad, Buddha bowl, Gambaretti arrabiatta, Pork chops, Chicken parmegiana, and for dessert, Tiramisu and creme brulee.
Crispy Calamari
I'm a sucker for crispy calamari.  I don't like it when they're saggy or overly coated with flour.  The one they served us at The Wholesome Table were actually piping hot.  I remember vividly because as soon as we're done squeezing some lemon on those tiny little suckers, I almost burned my tongue as a try munching on them.

But because my tongue has high tolerance of stuff like that, that little burnt did not hamper me from enjoying the rest of the calamari.
Carrot-pumpkin soup
When they served this at our table, I had it returned to the kitchen.  It was not hot at all.  If they specified it in the menu that it will be served room-temp, i would've understood, but since it was not, I had to send it back.  The redeeming factor of the soup, was its creaminess.  It looked heavy, but really, it's not.  It was properly seasoned and the carrot and pumpkin mixed perfectly.
Buddha bowl
This is definitely worth going back to The Wholesome Table.  The thai coconut curry sauce was a welcome approach, as it complement the brown rice underneath of the goodness on top of it.  The pea sprouts, peanut brittle (yep, they're crunchy sweet) balances the sweet, savory of the dish. Make sure to squeeze the lime before you mix everything. It makes a load of difference.
Pork chops
My friend was quiet when her dish was served. We thought she was just admiring the glaze of the balsamic vinegar over her chops, turned out the inside of the chops were not properly cooked.  It was still bleeding. (a NO-NO for pork and chicken dishes)  So again, we had to send it back.  Good thing the servers were nice and accommodating.  I guess because it was their soft opening, most things were still "forgivable."
Greek salad
Who doesn't love Feta Cheese?! With fresh greens, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, cucumbers, and grilled chicken is a meal in itself.
Gambearetti Arrabiatta 
I honestly don't remember the taste of this.  All i know was that it wasn't swimming in sauce, which I prefer since it's tomato based.  The pasta was also aldente, as per my friend's description when I asked how her food was.  It looked appetizing and the bacon, oh well, there's bacon involved...it must be good.

OMG!This was something we didn't expect to taste good but hands down, one of our favorites from the food in our table.  I'm not sure if i can actually give justice to the fries with just mere words; but they're really good.  They were served hot too. (plus points)

The Chicken was perfectly cooked.  And the sauce, there was no rice on our table so I couldn't scoop it up and enjoy it to the fullest.

Don't be fooled or get yucky when they serve this dish to you.  Looks definitely can be deceiving and this one, with the shavings of chocolate and the hint of coffee on the lady fingers---Am I even in a healthy restaurant? Coz I wouldn't mind eating 2 or 3 servings of their Tiramisu.
Creme Brulee
They could do better with this dish.  I had expectations for this dish coz I really thought that since it's healthy eating, they could have done something else...or put a twist to it.  I haven't been back to The Wholesome Table, so maybe the already tweaked some of their dishes, and hopefully they did something with this one.

I wasn't sure why I dont have a picture of my drink...but i remember ordering Be Pure... hehehe!I know it doesn't fit me, but it was refreshing.  I actually liked it. I'm a little bit wary of detox juices coz my friends have serious issues with them, hehehe... but with the drink i ordered, it didn't taste like i was drinking fruits and vegetables.


Working dinner at Pancake House

Me and Ian have been planning to have our "coffee date" for a while now...as we need to discuss work, people, and update each other with our #hanesh in life.  Finally, we had the chance tonight, with Tephie...We chose Pancake House because it's near the office and coz' Starbucks was running out of #napay.

Ian: Pag ba nasa Pancake House kailangan pancake rin kainin? (an indication that we're NOT having any pancakes for tonight.)

Me: Ate, gutom ako... Order ako nung chicken with spaghetti with tacos.

Tephie: Gusto ko yung Cinnamon toast without the raisins and syrup on the side.

House Special Set
I've always have a soft spot for Pancake House's chicken.  It's sooo juicy and buttery.  The skin is crunchy, with the right seasoning.  Aside from the usual fastfood chicken, whenever I dine somewhere and there's chicken on the table, i often ask for additional seasoning.  But with their pan fried chicken, it's perfect already.

The pasta for my spaghetti were a little bit under-cooked.  I know the texture of al dente, and what was served to me tonight, was definitely not.  However, since the serving was in small portion, and have to admit, it's not totally undercooked like you can't eat it, I just didn't complain anymore.

When it came to my Taco, there was no complaining here. It's a MUST whenever you eat at Pancake House. They're very consistent with the taste of their ground beef.

When Tephie's order arrived, the bread looked yummy even though it was only sprinkled with cinnamon sans the syrup.  I would've smeared it with butter and drown it in maple syrup.  That's how inviting the toast was.
Cinnamon Toast
Ian's Tuna sandwich was heavy on the Tuna spread.  Like I can actually see chunks of Tuna popping out of the toasted bread.  Wasn't really interested on how it taste because I'm kinda forgiving when it comes to stuff like that.  Like, i'm pretty sure the tuna came from a local canned tuna.  Maybe those high-end ones, but still, it's from a can.

But it seemed that he liked it because it was gone in a matter of minutes.  I know my friend, and he's one picky eater---so if he finished it, then it must be good.

Tuna sandwich
I just don't really get it why they can't update the movie posters posted on their wall.  I get it, they're into movies but can they atleast have the recent ones, if not those popular independent movies that earned accolades in different film festivals.


Chibo Okonomiyaki in Manila

It was a spur of the moment thing.  My friend Jill found out that the Okonomiyaki joint we went to in Osaka, Japan finally has a branch here in Manila. Chibo Okonomiyaki is very popular in Osaka.  The one we went to was in Dotonburi and we had to wait for an hour before we could get a table.

I told Jill that it's a MUST that we check this Chibo place at S' Maison, at the new Conrad Hotel in Pasay City, immediately.  Let me first say how awestruck we were upon entering S' Maison.  Maybe because there weren't alot of shops open yet, or that we saw billboards of soon to be opening favorite eateries, but seriously, we knew right then that it would be our new place to hang out.

Back to the Okonomiyaki place.  The interior of Chibo is different from the one in Osaka.  It's a little bit on the high-end side.  Though they remained true to the concept of the original Chibo, which is inspired by the great emperor Hideyoshi Totomi, the one at S' Maison looks like a fine-dining restaurant.

Jill wanted to try the Cheese Yaki.  The Cheese Yaki is only served in the Philippines.  I guess because they think Filipinos love their cheese so much, they decided that they'll do a cheese version of their Okonomiyaki.

Each table was equipped with a teppan grill.  The server came in with our Cheese Yaki and placed it at the grill.  We waited for it to start sizzling and then he started doing the usual theatrics, Okonomiyaki-style.

The cheese Yaki was well worth the Php280.  It was packed with the teppan noodles, bean sprouts, pork and lots of cheese.  Imagine the crispness of the bottom of the pancake, mixed with the creaminess of the cheese, and topping it with lots and lost of bonito flakes.

The size of the Okonomiyaki is big enough for two persons.  So, if you decide to eat here, better be hungry coz you need a lot of space in that tummy.

Ofcourse, it wouldn't be Chibo if we will not try their signature Okonomiyaki, the Chibo Okonomiyaki (hindi sila nahirapan pangalanan tong dish na toh!).  It's the same dish we ordered in Osaka and yes, the taste, texture and size were all the same from what we were served here in Manila.

The prawn's head and tail served as decoration but you can still eat them.  The Chibo Okonomiyaki has bits of beef, shrimp, and i'm not sure if that was scallop or squid (sorry naman, na-excite lang masyado).

We noticed that they kept on refilling our glass with barley water.  It really was the perfect combination with our Okonomiyakis.

Too bad we couldn't order more.  We were not prepared that we will be that full after just ordering 2 okonomiyakis.


Craving for some churros

I often times get hit with cravings.  Like I can crave for hotdog and can survive for a week with just that.  So, my family knows when I start craving for something, it usually leads to non-stop badgering, borderline obsession.

I've always had a fascination with choux pastry.  I love cream puffs, eclairs and baignettes; and my current 'thing', the churros.

Churros use choux pastry.  But instead of baking, you deep-fry them. To

My churros obsession led me to this new-craze in town, La Lola Churreria.  I know...i know...There are other places I could get better-tasting churros, but why La Lola?

First, I was curious on what's all the fuzz about it? I sometimes blame social media for my food finds. Glad though that they have a branch at the Mall of Asia. As soon as I saw the truck, and thank god there were no lines, I immediately took my wallet and got me a 6pcs order with dark chocolate dip.

I was then on my way to the province and thought of bringing it as baon.  Buti na lang I did...I was stuck in traffic for almost four hours, and my churros saved me from getting hungry and wrecking havoc at NLEX...(seriously, you dont wanna see me "hangry").

The churros at La Lola are crispy.  They never get saggy or oily, even after hours of buying them.  I even re-heated by left-overs the next day using my ever-reliable over toaster, and they remain crispy sans the unwanted oil.

La Lola Churreria offers not just your classic churros but they also have Matcha, white and dark-covered ones.  They also have stuffed churros (banana nutella, dulce de leche, nutella and speculoos), which I'm sure i'll try one of these days, churros ice cream sandwich and some savory sandwiches.

Just yesterday, I found myself lining up once again at another Lo Lola Churreria, this time at Megamall.  Shared it with some friends, since I kinda told myself that I need to limit my churros intake to two...


A visit to Teaspoon Cafe

Pampanga is one place in the Philippines where no one will go hungry.  There are restaurants, old and new, in every street corner and though there are some that I won't ever recommend in this blog, there are definitely more than a dozen of great restaurants where you and your family can enjoy.

Last Sunday after spending our morning at a bridal fair, we decided to check Teaspoon Cafe.  It's located in Fil-Am Friendship Highway, Angeles City.

My sister said she wants to taste their cakes.  Who am I to refuse a cake, and we even agreed on ordering a few, to you know, sample the merchandise. :)

But because it's lunch time, we thought of having heavy lunch there as well.

Me and mommy ordered the same thing, Grilled Pork Belly.  You can have it with rice or mashed potatoes, we both got rice.
Grilled Pork Belly
The pork belly was cooked to perfection. Even the sauce the compliments it was right to the T. The pork literally melts in your mouth.  There is no umay factor, like when you eat something fatty.  However, I was disappointed with the rice.  It was so dry, and a little bit on the cold side.

I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, since I liked the belly anways, but still, just my two-cent worth of advice, when you serve steamed rice, make sure it's well-cooked.  It's bawas points to a supposed well-cooked meal.

Next on the menu was my sister's Pork ribs.  She's on a diet so she chose mashed potatoes.
Pork Ribs
Nothing to complain here.  Didn't had the chance to taste it because my sister finished the whole thing in minutes. Even the veggies were crisp and well-seasoned.  The mashed looked ok to me, but my sister didn't really eat it.

Upon entering the cafe, I already took notice of their cake display and the Choco Nutella spoke to me as if it wants me to devour her at that very moment.

So when it was time to serve the desserts, I immediately took a photo of my slice, and started eating it.
Choco Nutella
There was no mistake...this is definitely my cake! The chocolate sponge cake is moist, not flaky.  The crunchy part in the middle felt like you were eating the crust of a sansrival, It's not too sweet but you'll definitely taste the nutella flavor in every bite.  Even the icing wasn't overpowering.  The butter cream, which was infused with Nutella was well-balanced.

My sister ordered Apple Crumble and their famous Queso De Bola Cheesecake.
Apple Crumble and Queso De Bola Cheesecake
Home-run!!!like seriously, these two are so deadly you'll never know what hit you! The Queso de Bola is one of their best-sellers, so there's no doubt it really tastes good.  I have a love-hate relationship with cheese, so if a dish claims that it's a cheese dish but ends up pretending to be one, i'll definitely know.

Teaspoon's Queso de bola cheesecake has the right combination of the tartness of the cream-cheese, with the richness of the queso de bola.  The queso de bola has a distinct taste, but it wasn't overpowering on this one.  Also, I like the consistency of the filling.  It's smooth and not grainy.

My sister said the apple crumble hit the right spot too.  The sweet and tart of the apple makes you wanna eat and eat and eat...

We'll definitely go back to Teaspoon Cafe and try their other cakes and smoothies.  The place is easy on the eyes too.  Very Instagram-worthy.


My Cafe Fleur experience

(from Cafe Fleur Facebook page)
The first time I heard about Cafe Fleur in Angeles City was when my sister went there with her friends.  The place is owned by Chef Sau Del Rosario and it serves Filipino cuisine with a twist.

The dishes are actually what you normally serve in your households, but maybe better...and tastier... hehehe...But honestly, I knew from the start that the place is special.

We decided to celebrate my mom's birthday at Cafe Fleur.  The place has enough parking space, and if you don't have a car, it is accessible to public transportation.

We ordered Fried Catfish salad, Swam na Mais (corn soup), Kare-Kare, Okoy, Roasted Salmon in White sauce and Pad Thai. For our drinks, we ordered two kinds of Tsokolateng batirol, I forgot my mom's version but mine was with choknut.

Fried Catfish Salad
This is one heck of a salad. It has the right blend of crisp from the Catfish, sweetness from the onions, tartness from the mango and sweetness from the tomatoes, with the mixture of sweet and sour, it will leave you craving for more.

My parents, especially my mom loved this dish. Don't me fooled by the color of the mangoes placed on top of the okoys.  They weren't sour at all.  I guess they were put there to balance the flavors, you know, to avoid the "umay" factor.

Roasted Salmon in white sauce

The salmon was perfectly cooked.  It wasn't dry, and the middle remained pinkish. There was no need for pepper or salt because it was well-seasoned.

Crispy Pork Belly Macadamia Kare-Kare
This was a little disappointing for me. One of my all-time favorite dishes is Kare-kare. That's why whenever we order Kare-Kare in restaurants, i'm very critical about it.  The pork belly is not crispy at all.  Having two senior citizens with us, they weren't able to enjoy this dish as well.

However, the saving factor was the sauce.  We couldn't get enough of it.  I would've ordered extra rice, kaya lang diet ako. (yeah, right?!)

Pad Thai

Cafe Fleur also serves authentic Thai food.  I like how they serve their Pad Thai.  They put on separate containers the sweet sauce, chili flakes and peanuts.  It's up to you how you would want your Pad Thai.  It was one of the best Pad Thais' I've ever tasted; and I've been to quiet alot of Thai restaurants.

Tsokolate Batirol
Don't be deceive by its looks... This is purely sinful!  Imagine if I ordered this hot, I would've died and went straight to heaven.  Their Tsokolateng Batirol can be served both hot and cold ok, so maybe next time, I'll try both. (no one's counting calories and sugar here!)

Sorry I wasn't able to take pictures of our dessert.  I messed up with my phone and ergo, they were already enjoying the cakes before I could take a snap of them.

Cafe Fleur also has a dessert area where you can enjoy their cakes and yes, different drink concoctions.  I heard their smoothies are a big hit too.