
Chocolate chip cookies

I'm not a baker. If you follow my blog, I often write that Baking is not my forte but I try to bake once in awhile, especially those that I know I can manage.  I've always been confident in making chocolate chip cookies, they don't really look pretty but i can assure you that they really taste good.

So my cousin sent me this knock-off recipe from a very famous pastry chef in New York, and I immediately bought the ingredients and waited until everyone retreated to their respected rooms so that I can have the kitchen all to myself.

I already placed my mixer in its box so i was kinda lazy to just bring it out again.  Besides, I kinda needed the arm exercise.

It took me atleast 10 mins to incorporate the butter and the sugar.  It's called creaming by the way.  By this time, the over was already pre-heated.

I made small and big cookies from the batch.  I'm a fan of chunky big-size cookies but I felt that it's more practical to have regular size ones so that my senior parents can munch on them as well.

My friends are encouraging me to "sell" my products online (join in on the bandwagon) but I told them that I'm confident that my cookies are tasty-but I can't promise if I can be consistent.  I'm not saying that I can't be consistent, but my confidence level is not yet 100 percent.

I see alot of people selling their products online.  I'm sorry but some of these are not even enticing to the eyes.  And I'm no expert in cooking or baking, but I can almost always say that some dont even look edible.  Like why would you even sell that? 

Trust me, I am interested in selling my cookies and or even my buchi ( will do another post on this) but I need to be confident first that i can provide my consumers a consistent product.  It's not just food here, it's my reputation on the line.

But that's just my opinion... I still wish everyone success, and if I can help in any way in promoting your product, just give me a shout out and will gladly do so... I support local, especially start-up businesses with potential.


UBE-fever invades dream cake

It's been awhile since I created a post... been too busy with life and work, but I never really stop eating. 

In the coming days will be posting more...promise! 

Alot of my friends and family know that i'm very picky with my cakes; like i prefer certain brands not because of their name or price, but because it's the only cake that I like. When dream cakes started going viral, i automatically joined the bandwagon and tried almost all "branded" dreamcakes available in the market. 

I got too tired easily though coz of the "umay" factor in most of them, and yes, some of sponges they use are not that great either...they're either too moist or dense that after being in the fridge for awhile, it just tastes argh...

However, someone gifted my mom on her birthday an Ube dream cake-ish.  Hesitant to try it, coz I dont really like Ube being something else aside from Halaya and putting it as a topping on Halo-Halo... 

But my mom insisted that I should try it coz it came from the same dessert shop where we got one of the best carrot cakes in town.  

True enough, the Ube cake didn't disappoint.  It wasn't exactly a dream cake as they used regular icing.  It wasn't too sweet, neither the taste of the Ube was overpowering.

You can also taste the Ube in the cake, but not overbearing.  I love how it melts in your mouth, and you can eat a big chunk of it, because it's just your typical cake placed inside a tin can.

I'm beginning to think that this dessert shop has potential...hehehe... I already like 2 of its products, carrot cake ( which I'm not really a fan of) and this Ube in a tin can cake...

Honestly, I would like to promote this cafe since i'm all for supporting locals.  And who knows, when this pandemic is over, I could try their other products as well.


Cravings satisfied

I know... I owe you guys some good food and a little bit of story-telling.

I haven't been blogging because work has taken over my life... Like literally, I just go home to take a bath, sleep a little, and then off to work again.

Let me start with what we ate a couple of weeks ago.  Mom was craving pizza, but the one with vegetables in it and "you fold it".  In Pampanga, you have alot of choices, aside from your usual "Dear Darla" pizza.

So, since it was my anniversary, fifth year as managing editor (imagine that!) i told my mom and sister that it'll be my treat.

We went first to a bridal fair.  Coincidentally, my sister's suppliers kept on asking if i'm getting married next. Oh dear! I just came there to say hi and eat...

We're all not familiar with SM Clark, so when we saw New York Supreme, we decided, why not? I honestly just want one of their Zippolis (round doughnuts).

But we're so hungry so we ordered their pizza roll
Pizza Roll
This was really satisfying.  We usually order 2 of these when we're with our dad, but since it's just us girls, we managed to eat just one... Diet eh?!

If you're from Pampanga, don't compare this to 'C, because they're 2 different entities. I mean, 'C's panizza is really out of this world.  Just think of New York Supreme's pizza roll as the poor man's version of the real thing.

We love the freshness of the Alfalfa sprouts and the arugula.  I honestly wanted more, of the alfalfa sprouts but that would mean eating more than 3 slices of the pizza...haist! I don't like the concept of diet... :)

then we also had
Seafood Pasta
I think I was the only one who appreciated this dish, except for my mom who devoured the twisted garlic bread.

My sister chose to focus on the pizza and the chicken... she had 1/3 of the pasta, and i had the rest.  It was creamy, but not too overpowering.  The sauce was tangy, sweet, playful in the mouth. 

Buffalo wings
Buffalo Wings

Pardon my fingers, was just trying to be artsy.  These were not spicy at all.  I mean maybe my tolerance for spicy food is different, but haller!!!Buffalo wings... I just want something spicy...but again, they're not bad...not bad at all.

The fries were bland though.  I had to put salt and pepper several times.  I don't wanna dip them in the excess sauce coz eewww... I don't do stuff like that.


My Madrid Fusion Manila 2017 experience

To attend Madrid Fusion is a dream that I wasn't sure I could ever achieved... Honestly, I've always thought that it will just remain a dream...Coz, how am I gonna go to Spain? This isn't just an Asiancountry where I can get away without needing a visa... This is freakin' Spain... 

However, the Food Gods must be on my side because this month, Madrid Fusion Manila happened. Yes, it's not the same as the one being staged yearly in Spain, but "beggars can't be choosers", right...Besides, Spanish men peddling wine, Jamon, Cheese and Olive oil...what more can a girl ask for?

This year's theme is "Towards a sustainable gastronomic planet", and features the Philippines as a culinary destination.  And yes! If you have attended one of their regional lunches during the said summit you'll know that the Philippines is abundant with not just great food but talented chefs who can create and deconstruct Filipino cuisine while promoting what is indigenous to us.

Tasting the different food that each region can offer, I realized that the Philippines should be more than just Jollibee's and Adobo's.  The world needs to get to know us... Need to eat our food...and explore the dishes that our regions offer.

Aside from the many seminars and talks featured in the three-day event, I was more interested in exploring what the Philippines and Spain can offer.  I feasted not just on the yummy samples, but the Spanish-speaking men, promoting their products.  My Spanish is rusty, and my cousins always say that i butcher the said language, but still... They understood me and I kinda understood them too... Hey! Food, wine, cheese is universal! 

Aside from the food, I also got to meet well-renowned chefs...and ofcourse, felt proud with our own Filipino chefs who, not just proved that our food is world-class, but people all around the world recognize them as some of the best in their field.

Met up with Chef Gene Gonzales of Center for Asian Culinary Studies, Chef Claude Tayag of Bale Dutung, Chef Margarita Fores of Chibo, Chef Rob Pengson of Global Academy among others.  Trust me! I dont normally get star-struck, but with these chefs... I get tongue-tied all-together.

Also, had the chance to interview Michael Lopez, the first-ever Filipino maestro cortador of Jamon Iberico in Spain.  Cool, right?!

Madrid Fusion Manila 2017 is definitely one for the books... oh and before i forget, I was at the venue when the 5.6 magnitude quake hit Luzon on Saturday.  It was scary, but people were calmed as we made our way to the exits.


My Sweet Tokyo trip...coming soon

Shibuya crossing
I'll soon be blogging about my short but memorable trip to Tokyo, Japan in the coming days.  Please forgive me coz I haven't been updating my blog.  Work's taking my time too much and I feel like I owe it to you guys to atleast make mention of my food trips, while i remain pre-occupied with my day job...

678 Korean BBQ Restaurant
A few days before going to Japan, I met up with my friend, who's celebrating her birthday after Valentine's day, which incidentally, I still wont be home...

We ate at 678 Korean BBQ Restaurant, located at the SM By The Bay, around the vicinity of the Mall of Asia.  The restaurant is owned by well-loved South Korean tv personality Kang Ho Dong.  But, we didnt eat there, wishing for a celebrity-sighting, but honestly, we're just both craving for Korean food.

Nothing's special about the menu, I mean it's your typical Korean joint.  However, I love the fact this is being offered in the Philippines, I dont need to travel to Pampanga just to have a taste of authentic Korean food, or all, hello! South Korea.

The staff were nice and that the banchan is unlimited... definitely, two-thumbs up!

Baker & Cook
If you follow my blog, you'll know that i'm a "tambay" at S' Maison, at the Conrad Hotel.  I like it there coz, 1. It's not crowded, 2. There's so much restaurants to choose from.

Baker & Cook caters to all bread lovers out there. Certified "Napay" girl Tephie and Ian took awhile to choose from the array of bread and pastries in their selection.

It took me a good 10 minutes to actually decide if i want sweet or savory from their menu.


Spanglish, what?

Sorry not being able to update in awhile... I've been working non-stop...and yes, not to brag about it but, I was chosen as part of the media who will be covering the Miss Universe coronation night... If I would've known sooner, I wouldn't have dared touch that extra slice of chocolate cake in our fridge during the holidays...

But enough about that.  Let me tell you about my experience at this tex-mex restaurant in Clark, Pampanga.

Spanglish represents the food they offer, a combination of Mexican and American/Texan food... My sister loves it here, so I decided why not.  My only rule was, I dont wanna end up smelling like the food I ate when i leave the place...

The interior of Spanglish is unique.  There were colorful chairs and tables, but not too overpowering in the eyes... Just enough to liven up the mood.

I'm a sucker for cucumber drinks, and since I'm having mexican food, which i consider heavy, I need a light drink.  We ordered Cucumber and Pink lemonade. Dont worry, the mason jar's red, but the drink itself is a lighter shade of red.

The Buffalo wings were not swimming in sauce, which is how we all prefer it.  The sauce at the bottom was just enough to dip your chicken just in case you need that extra kick.  You can have it in mild, sweet, and spicy.  Ofcourse, we went for the mild.  Don't worry, the mild still has the hint of spice in it.

Quesadilla... This is a little bit disappointing coz I expect it to have more "laman."  I know we ordered cheese, but there was no oozing of the cheese when you bite into it.  It's taste reflected on the picture, bland.

Chimichanga plate.  This one I enoyed... Like seriously... It was so good.  The rice is a little bit on the dry side, but the meat wraps made up for it. I like that they were not stingy with the olives.  I love olives...

Come with an empty stomach if you plan on ordering the Beef, Beans and Cheese Burrito.  I'm telling you, when they served this, we were like "Ok, this one will do...for the three of us." That's how intimidating its size was.  The flavors inside though were another thing.  It's melt-in-your-mouth goodness.

There was no room for dessert, even though I would've loved to try their fried ice cream.  Maybe next time.  I'm sure, there will be a next time.


Tidbits of my current faves

So I haven't been posting lately... Work has totally taken over my life...My blogging had to take a back seat but it doesn't mean that I don't have anything to write... Trust me, "A girl's gotta eat", and I have a few food finds that I would like to share to all of you...

BLK 315
During my trips to S' Maison at the Conrad Hotel in Pasay City, I had to make a pit stop at BLK 315, since there's always a line at its branch in Megamall, I took this chance to get my fix of frozen yogurt...

I got the Dark Skim Cup with 2 fruits, 1 crunch and 1 sauce... Ofcourse, i picked oreo, mangoes and strawberries.  For an additional Php10, you get to choose from other premium sauces like nutella...

I liked the soury taste of the yogurt and its contrast with the sweetness of the sauce and the crunchiness of my oreos...

For the price of Php170, I'd say it's a meal in a cup...

Kettle Kitchen's Premium Salted Egg Potato Chips
Ok... joining the badnwagon of salted egg potato chips, I had to know why people are going gaga over this itlog na maalat thingy...

So far, this brand is my favorite... I haven't tasted the one from Singapore, since it's hard to find and a little bit expensive if my intention is to only try it... That's me, i'm still practical even though i seem to always splurge when it comes to food...I still know how to budget kaya... :)

glazed Banana thins

My sister loves this brand of banana chips.  I don't really like banana chips in general, but this one, they kinda are addicting.  It's like you can't stop once you start eating.  They're not too sweet, which is perfect for someone who is watching her sugar intake...(or would like to think that she is)