
My disappointing experience with Kuya J's

photo credit: ebusinessfoodies.wordpress.com

It was our usual Sunday brunch.  We didn't wanna go anywhere far because of traffic and we're actually too lazy to even dress up, so decided to just pick a restaurant inside SM Pampanga, since we have plans of doing some shopping afterwards anyway.

I picked Kuya J's...I've heard some good reviews about this Filipino restaurant and since it was relatively empty when we got there; we thought, "ok, why not?"

Mom wanted Crispy Pata... Sister said she tried the dynamites here once and she liked them, and dad...well, dad will eat anything...

So, we ordered Crispy Pata, Kare-kareng Bagnet, Pinakbet and Relyenong Talong... The Dynamites I asked them to serve first. (sorry, i forgot to take pictures of them)

We all loved the Chorizo Dinamitas... They're sweet, not too spicy but definitely had some kick into them... The mayo dip wasn't too overpowering...but even without it, you can still enjoy the dinamitas.

Then came our entrees...

Why would you waste such fresh vegetables?  Seriously, the sauce, which was supposed to be infused with bagoong was way too bland... (walang lasa)... the vegetables were well-cooked, with still a bite into them.  I just dont like how the calabasa (winter squash) were so thinly sliced... are you kidding me?

Relyenong Talong
We were wondering what's inside the talong aside from the meat? Definitely it's not cheese, but it's creamy and it was well-incorporated with the meat.  We suspected it was mayonnaise but we couldn't ask the waiters, coz by the time we started eating, the place is slowly getting full.

Kare-kareng Bagnet
Kare-kare is my all time favorite dish... I can eat it everyday; I like it with pork knuckles, I love it with ox tripes, with oxtail, with seafood, with pork belly, or even with just vegetables....That's how much i love Kare-kare...So when I saw that their Kare-kare has Bagnet, argh!!!order it!!!

Disappointed will be an understatement!First, the good part: The bagnet was well-cooked.  It was crispy, not too oily...But even that couldn't save this argghhh disappointing dish.  The peanut sauce, there's nothing peanut-ty about it.  The moment they served it at our table, when I saw the color of the sauce, I didn't say anything, but I knew then that I wouldn't enjoy it.

My mom didn't even touch it.  She settled in with the other food on the table...

Crispy Pata
This was the saving grace of our meal...aside from the Chorizo Dinamitas.... It was "sarap to the bones" (shoutout to Max's)... The balat was so crispy and yet the meat was tender.  Having two senior citizens, they didn't complain about eating the pata... Actually, they ate most of the Pata...It was well-seasoned.  You dont need the toyo-sibuyas-sili...it's like, "one more rice pa kuya!"

My sister before we ended our meal, ordered the baked scallops... I thought I took a picture of it but apparently, i was too disappointed with the Kare-kare that I just ate in silence...

But the scallops weren't bad.  They were delicious actually. the velvety texture of the melted cheese, hint of garlic and butter, oh cholesterol...

Would I want to eat again at Kuya J's?  I dont know... Maybe just an order of Crispy Pata for take-out.  But who knows, there are other dishes on their menu that I would still want to try.  Let's see...


Not the same Pablo in Osaka

Pablo Cheese tart
Me and my friend braved the lines at the first-ever Pablo cheese tart, to open in Manila at the Robinson's Place, Ermita a few weeks ago.

Ever since finding out that the Suyen Group is bringing in Pablo, we got so excited because we have been craving for it since our trip in Osaka, Japan last year.

Pablo caters to all cheese-lovers out there. Named after the famous painter, Pablo Picasso, Pablo's cheese tarts are always freshly baked and you can have them either rare or medium.  However, in the Philippines, only the medium cheese tarts are available.

Pablo offers the regular cheese tart, chocolate, and matcha green tea.  They also have the premium cheese tart wherein the topping has a sort of texture like creme brulee, with caramelized sugar on top.

Their prices almost match the ones from Japan, including how they look.  Even the smell is intoxicating.  We were like a few stalls away from the Pablo store itself and yet you can already smell the sugary-goodness and the smell of something good being baked inside the oven. I've always loved that kind of aroma.

Finally, after being in line for almost 40mins, we were whisked to the Pablo stall itself.  Part of the Pablo experience is watching the bakers prepare your cheese tarts. It was fun and I started salivating already.

I was in my own world here.  I honestly can stay here and just watch them do this forever.

Look Ma...My own kind of show...

When I brought home the tart, I had to put it in the fridge and chilled it for a few hours.  I like it firm and gooey in the middle.

However, I was disappointed.  It's not the same as the one we ate in Osaka.  There's something missing from it.  The cheese custard is not the same.  I know it's supposed to be airy and light, but the custard we have here is almost like foam... Seriously, even the tart shell was too soft.  I like it flaky and buttery at the same time.

I really wanted to try the Matcha flavor one, but maybe I'll have to wait for the lines to subside.  It's not the same as Osaka, but, I guess it'll do for now.