
chuvaness X nbs

This is NOT about food... But I feel like I need to share this with you guys because I'm pretty sure you'll like the stuff you'll see from this latest National Bookstore collaboration...

I got a message from Ms. Cecile Van Straten, also known in the blogging world as Chuvaness; inviting me to attend the launching of her collaboration with NBS, aptly called #chuvanessXnbs... Ofcourse the asnwer is a YES...in a heartbeat...

Just like Chuvaness, I love to travel... I have this rule, if time and budget permit, I need to travel atleast every six months... Traveling relaxes me...and I travel within the budget...However, I do tend to pack more than what I need... So, I'm always on the lookout for things that can make my traveling life simple and hassle free...not to mention, lightweight too...

Chuvaness' line for National Bookstore is god sent to travelers like me... 15 things that are essential for "travel, gift giving, organizing and personal indulgence."

The launch was held at the Mega Fashion Hall at SM Megamall... #Chuvaapproved, we were welcome by super good-looking male "assistants", ready to take pictures and model for you... There was also a dj playing house music, free-flowing drinks, and yummy food await the guests... (sorry, I forgot to take pictures of the food, was busy drooling over the line, trying very hard to control my urge to buy everything)...
I fell in love with these gift wraps... FYI to my friends and family...My birthday's coming soon, please wrap your gifts to me using these...I prefer the brown one...It's so cute... 
There are two sizes for the Chuvaness X NBS tote bags... small and large...The small is too cute..But, I super love the large one coz, you know me...I have my whole house in my bag... ☺

Disregard the handsome guy holding that red clutch... They have round clutches too... The pouches are nice... You can turn them into make-up kits, wallet, or gadget organizer...
However, I went gaga over the notebooks and notepad... The notebook is so chicka...like seriously, you can turn it into a travel diary... or just your everyday notebook... As an editor, I like to scribble things when inspiration hits me...I prefer writing it in notebooks/notepads instead of the notepad in my cellphone... Call me old school, but I appreciate the smell of newly opened notebooks, and the silkiness when your pen hits the paper...

A shoe bag... Now I dont have to wrap my shoes in towels or put them in plastic bags...

Chuvaness' vision and personality appear in each of the items in her line.  In her blog, she mentioned that she really wanted to do a collaboration with the country's premiere book, school and office supply store... With the help of her friends, graphic designer Yodel Pe and illustrator Keeshia Felipe, her dream is now a reality...


Of family affairs and good food

Denlim's Kitchen
Denlim's Kitchen is the "IT" restaurant in Pampanga since early 2015.  What's neat about this place is that it's not even a real restaurant, just a part of a house wherein they put up a massive chunk of table with Den Lim (owner) cooks in front of his guests.

Reservations here take a while.  So if you plan on having dinner here in December, I suggest you better make a reservation as early as, last May?! ☺

My sister set up our reservation, i think 3 months in advance.  Her boyfriend was coming in December, and she wants the family to have a formal meal before we send him off to San Francisco again.  (This is my long-overdue post regarding our dinner)

I already mentioned in my previous blogs that I don't easily get amaze by high-priced food...especially if it's Filipino cuisine... Just coz I know how to cook it, therefore I have high expectations about it.  "mahal" doesn't necessarily equate to good food to me.

Our menu for the night:
Bread and Spread
The bread... I think it was ciabatta and cheese pimiento.  Each guest gets one bread, fair enough.
Because I don't think i'll stop eating them and end up spoiling my appetite for the rest of the meal. The spread, argh!!!i'm a sucker for cheese pimiento...Den told us that it's your typical cheese pimiento dip, I'm like in my head "I dont think so!"...
Mussels in white wine and garlic oil
Some people would shy away from eating mussels at night.  However, my family, especially my sister, loves mussels.  These mussels are plump... They tasted fresh, like fresh out of the ocean.  The white wine reduction combined with the garlic oil, just perfect.
Pasta Aglo Olio
I'm a certified chef, if I haven't mentioned that in my previous blogs, well, i'm saying it now.  Some dishes, the less the ingredients are, the more I'm afraid of cooking them.  Take this Aglo Olio pasta, each chef can tell you that they have their own version of this dish.  It's simple to make, with what, around five ingredients only?!...But I tell you, not all have perfected this dish.  It's a matter of a perfect blend of the olive oil and garlic.  This one, one of the best Aglo Olio i've had in recent years.
Oriental Cashew Salad
This is definitely my favorite!!! It's so refreshing.  The picture do not give justice to it.  As they say, in food, your eyes eat first before your mouth.  You get satisfied aesthetically, with all the vibrant colors from the vegetables; then you bite into it and its like you're eating a garden.  The bell peppers, lettuce, red cabbage, carrots, peanuts and cashew...I can just go on and on...
Classic Chicken Roast
If you want your guests to enjoy their meal, always have chicken.  Chicken is like a staple in every meal we have as a family.  Whether it's fried, roasted, b-b-q, that's how much we love our chicken.  So, my sister decided to order the classic roasted chicken.  It tasted sweet.  I had to make a double, triple bite into it because I thought it was BBQed, but it's roasted. I assumed there's some aged balsamic vinegar involved in marinating this dish.
Shrimp Scampi
This I had to order rice. Hehehe!!!We were all trying to control ordering rice because there's just so much food in the table, we thought, skipping rice will lessen the guilt.  But I just couldn't help it.  This dish deserved rice.  Well-cooked shrimps sauteed in garlic, a little bit of butter and olive oil, and a splash of white wine, reduced to perfection.  #ricepamore!!!
Broiled Salmon and asparagus in dill cream
My least favorite dish of the night.  Maybe because I'm already nearing my limit or just because I like my salmon plain.  I couldn't fault the caramelization, but it was too sweet for my liking.  The dill cream was too overpowering.  I couldn't really taste the dill, the cream was just too much.
Pugon Liempo Wrap
OMG!!!This is the bomb!!! The star of the night! The queen of the dessert!!!It was ssssooo good!During my days at the kitchen, I always look forward whenever we use the "pugon" (oven) because food tastes better. The crackling on that liempo was to die for.

The combination of the liempo, with the bitterness of the ampalaya and the buro (fermented rice) was just too heavenly for words.  The ampalaya and buro cuts down the umay factor from the fat of the liempo.  We were all quiet when this was served.  Bring in the rice cooker please!!!

No dessert at Denlim's Kitchen, so you're allowed to bring your own.  The food is pricey, that I can tell you.  However, if you plan on splurging once in awhile, consider Denlim's Kitchen. Don't think of it as putting a premium on what you eat, but it's the experience of having good company over some good food is worth that dent in your wallet.